‘Tis the season to be jolly, and for humans it can be easy for us to find ways to get in the holiday spirit. As pet parents, we’re always looking for ways we can include our fur-babies, and we’ve compiled a list of things you can do! Keep reading for ways you can have fun with your pets this season.

Have a snow adventure! Have you ever seen those videos of dogs experiencing snow for the first time? You can see the joy on their faces as they jump through the fluff. Venture with your dog (or cat) to a snow-filled escape. If you live in an area that gets snow every winter, this will be easy for you. Chase them around outside, or make snowballs for your pets to catch. If your pup gets cold, make sure to dress them up in a sweater. If you can’t get to the snow, simply enjoying more outdoor time with your pet is time well spent. Take them on a hike or for a stroll to see outdoor light displays.
Check your local stores for special holiday events. There may be pet parades, costume contests, pet-friendly holiday markets, and more!
Visit Santa Paws. Photos with Santa aren’t just for children; they’re a cute way to remember your holidays over the year. Some local stores hold photo opportunities JUST for pets, so be on the lookout. You can also rent a Santa costume and ask a friend to take a photo in the comfort of your home. If Santa Paws isn’t your thing, you can still take holiday photos and include your pet in your holiday cards. If your pet is up for it, dress them in an ugly sweater or matching pajamas!
Bake pet-friendly treats. Humans enjoy pumpkin pie, peppermint bark, and gingerbread cookies, but don’t you wish you could give some treats to your pets? Luckily, we live in an age where there are thousands of pet-friendly recipes online! Bake them for your pets and gift them to your friends’ and neighbors’ pets.
If you’re decorating a tree or your home, include your pets. Hang photos of your pets on the tree or even as a topper (because let’s be honest: our lives revolve around these stars). Or even make an ornament with your pets paw using clay or paint. You can also include your pets by making their spaces more festive. Give them a warm and cozy blanket or a special holiday themed toy.
Include them in gift giving. Hang a stocking for your pet and stuff it with fun gifts such as our Metro Balls or Metro Bliss. Some cats and dogs even enjoy the act of opening presents, so wrap up a box just for them; they can then play in the box once the wrapping paper is gone.
Donate to a local rescue or shelter in your pet’s name. What better way to involve them in the season of giving than helping other pets in need?
Above all else, make sure to keep your pets safe this holiday season. Click here to check out our tips. Your pets know you care about them, but take time this season to show them some extra love. How will you include them this season?