Presidential Pets in the White House

Presidential Pets in the White House

September 23 celebrates dogs in politics aka presidential pups. Throughout the years, presidents have owned numerous dogs (and other pets) that have resided in the White House. Dogs in Politics Day came about after a speech given by Richard Nixon in 1952 which was dubbed the “Checkers Speech”. The speech was an effort to refute charges about abusing campaign funds by touching the public’s heart with his children and dog, Checkers.

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Let's Spread Awareness About Puppy Mills

Let's Spread Awareness About Puppy Mills

As legislators work to crack down on puppy mills and backyard breeders nationwide, they still run rampant. As puppy mill awareness increases, we are going to go over some Frequently Asked Questions revolving around puppy mills.

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How Can You Teach Your Dog to Swim?

How Can You Teach Your Dog to Swim?

Whether you have a pool, like taking trips to the ocean or lakes, it's so important for dogs to know how to swim and be comfortable in the water. Even if you don't have plans on them willingly going swimming, in the case of an emergency such as them falling in the water, they need to know how to get out without panicking and possibly drowning. Some dogs are natural swimmers but others are more natural sinkers. If you don't know where to get started, here are some steps to take.

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Pet Fire Safety 101

Pet Fire Safety 101

One of the scariest things a pet owner can go through is trying to save your pets in a house fire. Panic ensues! How can you plan for that? With o...

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Pet Cancer Awareness: The Facts

Pet Cancer Awareness: The Facts

Cancer, unfortunately, hits animals as much as it hits humans. With an estimated 6 million new cancer diagnoses in dogs each year and a similar number in cats, multiple organizations have dedicated their mission to raise funds for cancer research, as it's the #1 cause of death of pets.

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